Sunday, 06-09-2019, The Day of Pentecost

Greetings, prayers, scripture readings, sermon

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Podcast Chapters
Chapter Start TimeChapter TitleChapter Duration
00:00God of Tempest, God of Whirlwind 2:32
02:32The Greeting 0:07
02:39Prayer of the Day 0:32
03:11The Children's Sermon 4:34
07:45The First Reading, Acts 2:1-21 2:45
10:30The Psalm, Psalm 104:24-35 1:32
12:02Gospel Acclamation 0:39
12:40The Holy Gospel, John 14:8-17,25-27 2:11
14:52The Sermon 14:32
29:23(Audio File Download Link) 0:15