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  • St Peters by the Sea Weekly Scripture

Women's Spiritual Book Study Group

Third Tuesday of the month - Women's book discussion begins at 6:30 p.m.

Current book: speak with Diane Sherwood for this year's title

Young Adult Book Study

  • Beginning in June. If you feel young at heart and are roughly under the age of 50, feel free to join the “young-ish adults” every Wednesday in June from 6:00-7:30pm at the church for conversation around the book Everything Happens for A Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved, by Kate Bowler. June 5: Chapters 1-2 June 12: Chapters 3-5 June 19: Chapters 6-7 June 26: Chapters 8-9

    New Members Meetings

    • Bible study, prayer and discussion are all part of a series of meetings that are scheduled periodically as the need arises. Meetings are open to all who are interested in learning more about our journey with Jesus Christ, the mission of the Lutheran Church, and the congregation of St. Peter's by the Sea. The sessions are informal and interactive. Speak to the Pastor about when the next class is beginning.