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  • St Peters Council 2024

St. Peter's by the Sea is led by our Pastor and our Church Council. The Congregation Council is made up of elected leaders who are members of the congregation, who govern according to the congregation's constitution. 

Congregation Council

  • Executive Committee:
    • Pastor Rebekkah Lorhmann (Pastor Bekki)
    • Pat Hendrickson, President, (2025)
    • John Smart, Vice-President, (2024)
    • Darlene Morrow Truver, Treasurer, Preschool, (2024)
    • Richard Nielsen, Secretary, Stewardship (2025)
  • Solveig Fuentes, Worship (2024)
  • Scott Walls, Property (2024)
  • Betty Wells, Fellowship (2025)
  • Sandra Boelter, Education (2025)
  • Liz Medina, Christian Service (2026)
  • Jacquelyn Romero, Christian Service (2026)


2024 Committees

Audit Committee - Gabi Hughes (2024), Jim Grutkowski (2025), Patty Lewis (2026)

Christian Service Committee - Liz Medina & Jacquelyn Romero, co-chair

Christian Education Committee - Sandra Boelter, chair
Maggie Box, Colleen Doering, Solveig Fuentes, Jim Grutkowski, Elaine Lauger, Amanda Nielsen, Ellen Schmeding, John Smart, Lora Thompson, Darlene Truver

Employee Relations Committee - Pastor Bekki, Pat Hendrickson, John Smart

Endowment Committee - Kathy Rahilly, chair
Allison Crews (2024), Deirdre Encarnacion-Slaughter (2024), Kathy Rahilly (2025), Darlene Thygerson (2025)
Richard Doering (2026), Richard Montgomery (2026)

Fellowship Committee - Betty Wells, chair

Financial Support Committee - Darlene Morrow Truver, Council Treasurer

Mutual Ministry Committee - Jeff Cours, chair
Jim Grutkowski (2023), Rosemary Sutter (2024), Jeff Cours (2025)

Nominating Committee -
Richard Doering, Solveig Fuentes, Fletcher Miller, Anne Rosser, Steve Silva, Darlene Thygerson

Prayer Shawl Ministry - Solveig Fuentes, chair

Preschool Committee - Darlene Morrow Truver, chair
Dori Hoadley/Rebekah Mack, Alyssia Peters

Property Committee Scott Walls, chair

Stewardship Committee - Richard Nielsen, chair
Richard Doering, Elaine Lauger, Darlene Morrow Truver

Worship Committee - Solveig Fuentes, chair
Pastor Bekki, Joe DeMers, Jim Grutkowski, Janine Morrow

Newsletter Editor - Hannah DeMers