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  • St Peters by the Sea - Tree Blossom


We are glad that you have come to worship with us today!  Please sign a WELCOME card found in the pew rack, and give it to an usher or drop it in the offering plate.  A privacy room for those with infants is at the back of the sanctuary.  Children’s Church School for grades Pre-K to 6th grade meets during the service, except the last Sunday of the month. Large-print bulletins and children’s bulletins are available from an usher. You will find hand sanitizer in the pew rack for your use during the service.

COVID-19 UPDATE: At this time, following CDC and San Diego County guidelines, masks are optional. We will continue to monitor guidelines and update this page when changes occur. Note that during this time, the sanctuary windows may be opened to increase ventilation; please dress accordingly. Thank you. 

SUNDAY SCHOOL meets during the worship service, with the exception of the last Sunday of the month.

PLAY GROUND TIME! On Sundays, expect the last Sunday of the month, St. Peter’s will have our friend Hannah out on the playground until 11:30 to monitor any kids who want to play after worship.  Parents can join on the playground or enjoy some adult conversation while kiddo’s play!

HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES: Ask an usher if you’d like to use a device during the worship service.

NAME TAGS: If you would like a name tag, contact the church office to be added. You do not need to be a member, we like all who worship here to have a name tag.

WEAR YOUR RED: Sunday, May 26th, is Pentecost Sunday. Everyone is encouraged to wear red!

WOMEN’S RETREAT: January 24-26, 2025 at The Dana on Mission Bay.  Registration forms will be available beginning in September.

CHRIST IN OUR HOME: Daily Devotion booklets are available from the church office or Fellowship Hall. Please call or email the church office to request a copy be mailed to you.