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  • Accomplishment

I’d like to spend this letter looking back at the past year and giving thanks for what has been accomplished this year by our church council.  Early in the year, this group gathered with an outside facilitator and set goals. Some were very doable.  Others will take more time.  Here is what this group accomplished:

We adopted new practices to make our meetings more efficient and enjoyable 

Meetings last 1.5 hours.  We pray and get a lot done each month!

We took steps towards beginning a Sanctuary Remodel.

This is by far, the largest goal we set.  We don’t anticipate its conclusion for 3-5 years! By the end of 2024 a Steering Committee will be established.  In the new year you can expect at least 3 more Congregational Feedback Forums, small group feedback groups, a survey and lots more communication from leadership as we really ramp up to this endeavor. 

We established a new staff position! 

Starting in January, Betty Wells will begin her new role of “Hospitality Coordinator” as her old position of Health and Wellness Outreach Minister is retired. This new position will enable us to better share our space with outside groups in a professional manner. 

We created a new membership directory! 

Thank you to Steve Silva for taking the pictures! Printed directories will be ready in early 2025.

We have a fresh new look to our website!

Thank you to Shawn Morrow for your work and to Janine Morrow for keeping it up to date in the office.

We created a Congregational Life Calendar

Coming out of the pandemic, we felt like we were never ahead of the curve.  This year we looked ahead and put together a calendar which we hope will enable more hands on service work together and fellowship opportunities for the new year.

We re-established the Mutual Ministry Team

Mutual Ministry Team is a group that gives feedback to the pastor from the congregation and the group that the pastor can use for support or guidance when needed. We decided to utilize the executive committee (President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer) to fill this role.  This group successfully completed my first evaluation which helps me to move forward with better clarity about how to be the best pastor I can be. 

Our Finance Team met and updated necessary finance policies

We set new spending caps for our committees and our council so that they can move more efficiently.  We reviewed all of our trust funds and closed old ones that no longer had purpose (like the money set aside for the church van…which we haven’t had for 10 years!) And set clear policies about the purpose of each fund so that they can be better utilized.

Create a New Onboarding Process for New Members

Rosemary Sutter, Gabi Hughes and I worked together to create a three-gathering program for newcomers to our church so that they can be lovingly folded in to the life of our church.  This program is currently underway!

We’ve been an instigator of relationship building in the community!

I was charged by the Homelessness Task Force and then the council with gathering the local ecumenical faith leaders in Ocean Beach and Point Loma and what has resulted is the creation of the Peninsula Faith Leaders group, which meets once a month.  We believe that we can have greater impact when we are in relationship, so that is what we are fostering!

We’ve undergone capital improvements!

Parking lots were resealed, new gutters were installed, the basketball lot was fenced, broken doors and locks were fixed, and the upstairs Sunday School rooms are being updated and improved to become more hospitable for both Sunday School kids and our Interfaith Shelter guests!

This is not a comprehensive list of everything the council has done.  It’s just the things we’ve accomplished that we set forth as goals at the beginning of the year.  The next time you see a member of the church council, thank them.  They have worked incredibly well together on our behalf as a congregation and have accomplished incredible things!

I look forward to all that 2025 holds in store for us!

Advent Blessings,

Pastor Bekki