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  • St Peters by the Sea Cross Sunshine

This morning a number of my family members sent me videos of the rapid, overflowing falls in my hometown of Sioux Falls, South Dakota and photos of flooded parks and closed roadways.  This past winter has been one of much snowfall … each storm measured in feet rather than inches.  And that means this spring thaw is causing much flooding; just too much of a good thing.  Even skiers are saying … enough.  Our California rains have been record breaking, too.    I haven’t had an opportunity yet to drive out to see the super bloom in the hills or in the desert, but I want to do that.  The more-than-usual rainfall has been a blessing for butterflies and blossoms, and an official end of the drought.  The weather is not often much of a topic of conversation here in San Diego… “No bad days” is not just a bumper sticker saying. 

But walking wet as a baptized Christian is a topic of conversation that should be without season.

Last month when we had our preschool Sunday I had the opportunity to talk with a couple of our school families about baptism for themselves and for their children.  And now we have several people in our midst who are preparing for baptism.  And I am so very thankful for the action of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  Pray for all who are preparing for baptism during the Easter season.  We can be reminded of our own baptisms when we pray for others in their baptismal preparation time. 

Baptism is a gift!  Pastor Dan Erlander writes that baptism is like “a big package filled with beautiful presents which God showers upon us…

  • Friendship with God
  • The presence of Christ
  • The Holy Spirit and empowerment
  • Forgiveness
  • A home, family, household
  • Identity
  • Resurrection, eternal life
  • New birth and…

the glorious promise that we are children of God, and nothing in all creation will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).”

The season of Lent is a time to reflect on your own baptism; on your walking-wet-journey with Jesus.  It is also a time to welcome those who are preparing for the sacrament of baptism.

Live wet!  Remember your baptism!

Pastor Karen Marohn