At the January Congregation Council meeting I told the Council of my intention to retire as pastor at St. Peter's by the Sea Lutheran Church in September, 2019.
Sixteen years ago in early January I arrived in San Diego for the first interview with the call committee here at St. Peter's and I began my pastoral call on the first of May in 2003. I have loved our ministry together! What a blessing this call has been. We've done wonderful ministry together and grown in faith and love. I have no plans to move away from San Diego and plan to do more work with the Synod.
The Council will appoint a Transition Team of 5 – 6 members who will begin the work of preparing the Mission Site Profile. This team will listen to the stories and memories, the reflections and observations, the hopes and dreams of the congregation. The writing of the Mission Site Profile is such important work. The five central focus areas are Heritage, Leadership, Mission, Connections, and Future. All the members of the congregation will be invited to participate in the work of the Transition Team. We hope that the Mission Site Profile will be ready to give to the Bishop and Synod office by the Synod Assembly in mid-May.
In May the congregation will elect a Call Committee who will work with the Synod Office receiving names and beginning the interview process. In September I will leave St. Peter's and, if necessary, the Bishop will appoint a bridge pastor to serve as your pastor until a call has been issued and accepted and your new pastor is on the way.
The coming months of 2019 will be busy for us but we will continue in our many good ministries, in the deepening of our faith and worship life, and in the sharing the good news of God's love in this place and in the world.
Let us continue to hold one another in love and prayer during this very important time in the life of our wonderful congregation.
Living in God’s most amazing Grace,
Pastor Karen LaFollette Marohn