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The congregation always grieves at the death of a church member or a family member or friend.  It is especially difficult when that person was an active, participating member of the church family.  The death of James Gibson and Mary Lou Peterson are such losses for us.  You can read about James elsewhere in this issue of the Net, in articles from Charlene and from Doris on behalf of St. Peter’s Choir.  Our pastor and our deacons have been making weekly visits to many of our homebound members and those who live in care facilities.  What a blessing this ministry is to both the visited and the visitors.

Mary Lou Peterson has been a member of this congregation since 1988.  It was her good friend, Helen Bouchard, the organist at St. Peter’s at that time, who invited her to come down the hill and see what was going on here.  Mary Lou always told her daughters, and anyone she thought would be interested, that at the young age of 4 she gave her heart to Jesus.  Baptized and raised in the Episcopal Church, Mary Lou had a special love for the traditional liturgy and music.  But she also regularly participated in the much more casual Wednesday evening services.  She was one of the first chairs of the Interfaith Shelter Network at St. Peter’s in the 80’s and was involved in many other ministries.  The memorial service that Mary Lou planned for herself will be held at St. Peter’s on March 23rd at 11am. 

We believe that all the ties of love and affection that knit us together in life do not unravel in death.

Eternal Rest grant to them, O Lord, and Light Perpetual shine upon them.

Living in God's most amazing grace,

Pastor Karen LaFollette Marohn