One of my favorite blessings from the Reformation is the concept of the priesthood of all believers. Leadership is not the call of a chosen few. We are all called to lead. We are not called to be in a competition based on strength or position, but to be a part of a team where we all play an essential role. No one is more important than another. We are part of the workings of the “Body of Christ” where we all play an important and vital role. It is not a matter of being ranked ahead of others or of being in a position above others, it is a matter of being together in a whole that works together in service and love. This body of Christ is the church where we all have a role to play, where our roles are all essential. We are part of a whole that is diverse and connected, in service to others, under the servant leadership of Jesus our Lord.
We recently installed new members to our church council and as I read the responsibilities of these leaders, I realized that these responsibilities apply to us all.
We are all called to discipleship: To enter into a ministry of discipleship where we are asked to be diligent in prayer, in worship and in the reading of Scripture. We are called to be light in a world of darkness, being obedient to the great commandment to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves.
We are called to honor the unity of the spirit in the midst of divisions and differences: To be a good listener to others, even when their views are not our own. Called to seek unity and consensus, not grudgingly but with generosity of spirit and kindness toward others who are to be honored for their differing thoughts and opinions, seeking unity in the midst of diversity.
We are called to invest ourselves in the stewardship of our gifts and talents: To share our tithe (10% of our material wealth) with the work of God’s Kingdom, to share our talents with our labors and to share our time in service to our family, our community and our world.
February marks the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday on February 17th. Ash Wednesday is followed by the 40 days of Lent. I have decided to offer a series of messages on the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer. I will also ask the deacons if they would like to share one of the messages. Maybe you feel called to share your faith through a message on one of the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer? Here is the outline of messages for Ash Wednesday and the weeks of Lent prior to Holy Week and Easter. I will give the message on Ash Wednesday. Would you like to give a message based on your thoughts and experiences for one of these petitions of the Lord’s Prayer? Just let me know.
Ash Wednesday February 17th “Our Father who art in Heaven. Holy be your name.”
Week of February 21st “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”
Week of February 28th “Give us this day our daily bread”
Week of March 7th “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”
Week of March 14th “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil”
Week of March 21st “For you are the Kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever.”
We are blessed to be a blessing. God bless you in your call to Christian leadership. A call to be a witness. A call to be a disciple.
Pastor Rick