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Christ is Risen!

  • flower cross

Happy Easter, dear people of St. Peter’s!


Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! 


Ashes to Holy Week

  • Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday has come and gone and on that day in worship I spoke these words of the Invitation to Lent:

Fishers of People

  • fisher of people

Recently in worship we heard the gospel where Jesus says, “Follow me.  I will make you fish for people.”

Welcome to Advent

  • Advent

Welcome to Advent!  Advent marks the start of a new church year where our gospel readings change and this year it means the beginning of the year of the Gospel of Mark, which te

Homelessness in San Diego

  • skivvies

Thanks to all who participated in this year’s Fall Stewardship Focus, all who turned in a pledge, and all who give to St.


  • stewardship

This month we dive into the topic of stewardship, where we see ourselves again as the servants whom God has found to be trustworthy enough to make use of God’s things.  It’s a p


  • baptism

Maybe you’ve heard the expression, “YOLO”, which means “you only live once”.  Allow me to introduce you to the Lutheran concept, coined by two of my dear friends in seminary, “Y

Baptism & Trust

  • Large breaking wave

When we come to a baptism, we entrust the parents of the child being baptized with a list of responsibilities; things like bringing them to worship and holy communion, teaching them

Saying Farewell

  • fishers of men

My time is drawing to an end as your resident pastor during this maternity leave for Pastor Bekki who will be back in the pulpit on June 11.