The topic of this letter is a little out of place. I should have written about this in November! That said, in November I took a Sunday off and one of our Deacons preside
The topic of this letter is a little out of place. I should have written about this in November! That said, in November I took a Sunday off and one of our Deacons preside
I’d like to spend this letter looking back at the past year and giving thanks for what has been accomplished this year by our church council. Early in the year, this group gath
Thank you to everyone who’s efforts yielded such a successful and meaningful Stewardship Season!
This past summer I had two experiences of being new. First, I joined a climbing gym - I am a complete novice when it comes to rock climbing. The second experience - signin
Despite the fact that these are the hottest months living in San Diego, we are turning again towards the fall months which means a flurry of wonderful things happening in and around
The news is a flurry of election updates and this past month we saw an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, bringing many Christians to a place of wondering, “What am I called to d
This past month at council, we watched a TED talk called, “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek. He talked about how all great organizations and leaders talk not about what
Last fall, during our Stewardship Focus, we talked about how as stewards, entrusted with good things from God, it is our job to keep things flowing. This idea was arti
This month, I want to talk about what it’s like to be a parent of small children at church today. What follows is my experience and is not even remotely reflec
Happy Easter, dear people of St. Peter’s!
Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!